Zeeko is a poignant tale of a sweet, fun-loving bunny who decides to go down a dangerous path, which leads him to a forbidden garden. Themes are the dangers of drugs; impact on the individual and their family; collaboration; and loving intervention.
This book is a good introduction for young children (ages 7 to 10) to understand the dangers of drugs and their negative consequences. Parents and grandparents will enjoy reading this book with their children and grandchildren, and using it as a tool for important conversations on this topic.
Paperback $ 12.95
Hard Cover $ 18.95
PDF’S $ 1.99
Coloring Book $ 6.95
Lesson Plans FREE download
Focus: Bunny, Danger, Friendship, addiction, intervention
Audience: Age Range 3 – 12
Author: Nita Brady is the Founder/Director of Beyond the Walls and Beyond the Walls for Kids, support groups for adults and children with incarcerated and addicted family members. She has also worked extensively with youth in Juvenile Detention for over 25 years, empowering them to make better choices. She was a Regional Staff Development Educator for a large hospital and its affiliates for over 20 years. She is married, has three grown children, eight grandchildren, 1 dog, and 4 bunnies.